Episode 2: My Personal Plants Founder and Ganjier Cannabis Sommelier Councilmember, guest Amanda Reiman

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On Episode 002, I had the pleasure of talking to Amanda Reiman who is the Vice President of Community Development for Flow Kana, a branded cannabis distribution company that works with small farmers in the Emerald Triangle. She also sits on the boards of the Mendocino Cannabis Alliance, and the Fire Safe Council of Mendocino County.

Her new endeavors for 2021 include creating In the tradition of wine sommeliers. Ganjier a trade certification program developing new cannabis professionals. She is also launching My Personal Plants believe in putting the power of plants in the hands of the people to achieve optimal wellness at home.

Resources and Brands Mentioned:
Flow Kana

My Personal Plants


Compassionate Analytics: At home THC/CBD potency testing kit


Huckleberry Hill Farms


Episode 3: Trailblazer Alicia Rose, First Demeter Biodynamic Certified Cannabis brand, Herba Buena


Episode 0: The Journey Begins