Episode 21: Justin Bowers | Cookies Photographer

In Episode 21: I get a chance to catch up with my old colleague Justin Bowers. He has had an amazing journey which he captured through the lens. Listen to how he has taken his amazing life living in the Emerald Triangle and is now photographer for one of the most well known Multiple State Operator (M.S.O.'s) Cookies.

He has a wonderful eye and an even larger heart. I appreciate everything I learned from him and love that we had a chance to continue our conversation where we left. If you ever have the need to see gorgeous cannabis cola shots. Thanks Justin!

Justin Bowers


Cookies & Snoop Dogg | Bred by Grandiflora

Compound Genetics

Personal Grow | Join me every Wednesday 3pm PT on Clubhouse/Podcast for the collaboration series featuring Amanda Reiman & Haley Nagasaki.


Episode 30: Cory Russell | Commercial Cultivator & Host Resinate Radio


Episode 20: Haley Nagasaki | Co-Host Personal Grow